Is there any risk involved when getting a hair transplant?

Hair transplant Turkey offers a wide variety of cutting-edge, permanent methods to replace hair once it has been lost. These therapies are getting less dangerous and less invasive as a result of the advancement of technology. Yet, it is still considered a medical operation because it requires anesthesia and the making of microscopic incisions in the area that is being targeted for treatment. This does indicate that there are potential dangers associated with undergoing hair transplant surgery in Turkey.
The average recuperation procedure should be relatively straightforward and easy to take care of, and the side effects of a hair transplant in Turkey are typically not painful. In the days, weeks, and perhaps even up to a month after the treatment, patients may experience temporary adverse effects related to their hair transplant.
You are encouraged to get in touch with the advise line that will be included in the aftercare packet that will be sent to you if you experience any unfavorable side effects. Our highly experienced professionals will be able to provide recommendations for immediate steps or set up an appointment to evaluate hair transplant risk factors and how they may have affected the outcomes of your treatment.
Bleeding After Hair Transplant
One of the potential side effects of a FUE hair transplant in Turkey is bleeding, which can occur anywhere from a few days to two weeks following the procedure. The follicles that have been harvested are extracted from the donor location and, using tiny incisions, are re-implanted into the scalp or the area that is being treated.
Our Turkish surgeons have received specialized training and have years of experience in the art of performing microsurgical incisions with minimal disruption to the skin cells on the scalp. This helps to minimize the size of the wound and, as a result, the risk of bleeding during the procedure.
Patients undergoing hair transplant surgery should abstain from taking any medications that thin the blood or participating in any activity that has the potential to dislodge the transplanted hair or the donor area before or after the procedure. This will help to reduce the risks associated with the procedure. Because exercise also boosts blood flow, you should refrain from doing any strenuous physical activity for the first two weeks after your hair transplant.
Before undergoing a hair transplant, it is highly recommended that you consult with either your primary care physician or one of our doctors. Not only will this allow you to discuss the potential impact that the procedure will have on your overall health, but it will also allow you to confirm that any medications you take will not impede the healing process. Over the course of our conversation, you are obligated to let us know if you are currently under the care of a physician and using any prescribed medications.
It is normal for the area to develop a tiny scab or a thin crust of coagulated blood once the procedure is complete. This condition is brought on by clots that are completely normal. After they have been produced, they will dissolve away on their own between the fourth and tenth day. Because interfering with the process and plucking at the scabs can lead to infections and traumatize the hair, you should let them be alone so that they can shed on their own.
If scabs continue to form even after you have returned to work and they are making you feel self-conscious about your appearance, you will be able to consult with your primary care physician, who may recommend a moisturizer that will reduce the amount of scabs that occur.
Infections After Hair Transplants
The negative effects of hair transplant surgery can put patients at risk for developing infections in the scalp. As a result of following the aftercare guidelines provided by the Miracle Hair Clinic, you will be able to steer clear of any scenario in which it is possible for dirt or germs to enter the sensitive area and trigger an infection known as folliculitis. The face and the scalp will typically swell up when this condition is present. Applying antibiotic cream directly to the affected area is typically sufficient treatment.
Patients need to be aware that these potential hair transplant risk factors can have an effect on the outcome of the surgical surgery. Our patients can contact the aftercare helpline that they will be given in order to lessen the severity of any potential risks.-
Itchy Scalps
As a region of the body is healing, itching is a natural response that occurs. After hair transplant surgery, one of the potential hazards is that these delicate follicles will get detached from their surrounding tissue. This indicates that you need to take measures to ensure that you do not scratch throughout the crucial stages that follow the surgery. As a frame of reference, the newly implanted follicles will not be secure until four to twelve days following the transplant, and even after that, you should be careful when touching the area and avoid rubbing or scratching it.
Because the dirt and foreign bacteria can be harmful to the growth and health of the follicles, itching is also a concerning side effect that can result from having a hair transplant.
Bruising Around The Head
One of the usual side effects of hair transplant treatment is the development of light bruising around the surgical site. Following a procedure in which hair is removed and incisions are made, it is normal for the affected area to be sensitive and to experience some degree of discomfort. At this time, you will be provided with medication that will ensure your comfort so that you can go through it with ease.
A significant bruising around the forehead, cheeks, and eyes that lasts for more than two days and causes black eyes is one of the uncommon adverse effects of having a hair transplant. Although this is not appealing to the eye, there is no reason to be concerned about it.
Shock Loss & Hair Loss
It is common for this to be the adverse effect of hair transplant surgery that gives patients the most concern. Patients worry that their hair transplant was failed, which would mean that they have squandered their money on the procedure. Shock loss, often known as the process of shedding hair in the aftermath of a surgery, is something that should be anticipated.
This occurs because the natural cycle of the hair is disrupted, in addition to the fact that the scalp has been subjected to “trauma,” which compels the body to react in this way. This permits the newly transplanted hairs to continue growing while also allowing the area to heal without interference, which is really healthy for the hairs.
Are there any hair transplant side effects that might impact you in the long term?
Scalp Laxity
The capacity of the skin and cells on your head to recover after being injured or struck is referred to as your scalp laxity. Naturally, this will be altered, but one of the long-term negative effects of hair transplant is that your scalp could loosen, which could allow part of the hair to fall out. This is a potential risk associated with the procedure. On the other hand, scalp tissue that is more tightly packed can help reduce the visibility of scarring over time.
Hair Curl
Curly hair is one of the most important elements that can affect the success of a hair transplant. This happens when a follicle is damaged during the process of extracting hair or replanting hair, and once it has adhered to the scalp and the incision has healed, the follicle begins to curve under the skin. This is known as a follicular spiral.
Because of this, ingrown hairs can develop on the scalp. They have the potential to become inflamed, pus-filled, and infected, all of which are reasons for concern. Inexperienced medical professionals are likely to insert or cause a significant number of curled hairs. Because of this, the hair transplant may end up looking patchy or artificial as a result.
These procedures, as well as the use of the microsurgical incision tools, have been performed by surgeons at Miracle Hair Clinic who have years of experience in the field. This indicates that at every stage of the process, we take all precaution possible to reduce the likelihood of the hair curling and any other problems that may arise.
Before and after your treatment, every member of our staff will be available to assist you in any way they can. In addition to this, we provide individualized care based on the patient’s specific needs by devising a treatment plan that is tailored to meet those requirements.