Trapianto di capelli in zaffiro

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Trapianto di capelli in zaffiro; While the speed of development of technology is increasing day by day, the development of medical technologies is increasing in parallel. It is possible to see that new methods are continuously applied in hair transplantation operations which have a large share of this. One of the most applied methods of hair transplantation, FUE, an advanced version of SUE technique, has seen serious improvements in hair transplantation operations. Hair Transplantation with Sapphire Technique is accepted as the latest technology reached by FUE technique today.

To apply the natural hair transplantation method; certain conditions must exist. Sapphire technique or another technique to make hair transplantation; The person is over 18 years old and should not have any health problems that hinder hair transplantation. Here, one of the factors affecting hair transplantation and the most effective; This is why hair loss occurs.

Causes of hair loss

Causes of hair loss; depending on the sex and age of the person may occur in different ways. Hair loss in men is defined as a general condition and is quite common. Genetic hair loss after puberty does not have a specific cause and will continue until a certain age. Baldness; this is the natural result of genetic shedding. There is no cure yet to prevent male pattern genetic hair loss. After this hair loss occurs; Turkey in hair transplantation services that it is possible to reach the old look on the services of the clinic.

Hair loss in women and individuals at an early age is not usually genetic male pattern hair loss. At this point, it will be correct to detect and eliminate the health problem before hair transplantation. Of course, in some cases, even if health problems are solved, hair transplantation may become necessary. Hair transplantation with sapphire technique is an advanced form of operation used to eliminate all kinds of hair loss regardless of the reason.


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    Fill out this form in order to get a free hair analysis from Miracle Health Expert Surgeon. when Miracle Health's representative contacts you. Feel free to ask for all information you need to know.

    What is sapphire technique?

    The use of special blades made of sapphire, which is a very valuable material, instead of the metal blades used in the FUE method, has survived this method. Using smaller blades made of sapphire, opening smaller channels in the application area; this results in less damage to the skin and a much shorter healing process.

    How and in what size the micro-channels opened in FUE hair transplantation operations are of great importance. These channels, which are very important for the success of the operation, are very good thanks to the sapphire blades; flat and smooth. Also, hair transplantation operations with sapphire operations after switching to standard blades can be transplanted more often than operations.

    As well as being more comfortable with hair transplantation, the healing process at the end of the operation is more comfortable for the patient, thanks to the applications made with sapphire blades. Because it is sufficient to drill smaller holes with sapphire blades, the patient will experience a faster healing process at the end of the operation. As the grafts are placed in the planting area in a very regular way with sapphire blades, the probability of the hair growing in any way different from the desired is reduced.

    Sapphire technique after the hair transplantation process

    Although the sapphire technique enables successful hair transplantation operations, the process followed by the patient is very important. Because if the patient does not pay attention to the nutrition in the following process and does not pay due attention to the rules of hair care recommended by his doctor, the desired results will not be obtained even though the sapphire and hair are planted as healthy and healthy.

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    Of course, it is necessary to pay attention to the nutritional patterns as well as behavioral measures after hair transplantation with sapphire technique. Proper nutrition has a positive effect on scalp, hair follicle and strand. Hair transplantation can be carried out with many clinical sapphire technologies throughout Turkey after administration feeding protocols are described as a component of this technology.

    After the hair transplant operations which are sensitive, the hair should be taken very well during the convalescence period and after that, special care should be taken until the hair roots are settled. Since the hair follicles will be fully formed and strengthened after a certain time, a very sensitive approach will not be necessary.